3 Characters You Should Know in the Book of Romans

Colin S. Smith
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In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul explains more about how God saves us through Jesus Christ from sin’s penalty and power. To help us understand his teaching, I want to introduce three characters. Their names are Hostile, Helpless, and Hopeful. Try to decide which one you identify with most. Then we will see what God has to say to each of them, and to us.

Hostile: No Desire and No Ability

The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.
(Romans 8:7)

Paul speaks about a person whose mind is hostile to God. So we are going to call him Hostile.

At one time, Paul himself was Hostile. He led a furious persecution of Christian believers. He was “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples” (Acts 9:1). That’s hostile!

Then, when he was traveling on the road to Damascus, the risen Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him and said, “Why are you persecuting Me?” (see Acts 9:3–6). Paul’s violent anger against Christians was actually a reflection of a deeper rage against Christ.

You won’t have to look too far to meet Hostile in our society today. He gets very angry about public mention of God and finds the suggestion that there is a God in heaven who created us and to whom we are all ultimately accountable deeply offensive.

You may have noticed that many kind and respectable people are hostile when it comes to the things of God. A conversation can be quite civil until God’s name is introduced. Then, it is as if a switch is triggered, and a deep hostility within the soul is opened up.

Hostile has neither the desire nor the ability to follow God’s Law.

Helpless: Desire Without Ability

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
(Romans 7:15)

In Romans 7, we meet another character whom we will call Helpless.

Helpless knows that God’s Law is good. He wants to do it (vv. 17–18), but he doesn’t have the ability. Helpless is a prisoner of the law of sin. It is as if he were in chains, and he cannot get free.

This leaves him feeling absolutely miserable. “What a wretched man I am!” Helpless says. “Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (v. 24).

Hopeful: Desire with Ability

Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
(Romans 8:2)

In Romans 8, we meet a third character whom we will call Hopeful.

Paul tells Hopeful to “put to death the misdeeds of the body” (v. 13). That is precisely what Helpless could not do! But Hopeful is in an entirely different position. He has the desire to fight against sin in his life, but he also has the ability to prevail, and the reason is that the Spirit of God lives in Him.

Hopeful and Helpless face the same struggles. They feel the power of the same temptations. The difference between them lies not in the battle but in the outcome. Helpless faces inevitable defeat. Hopeful faces ultimate victory.

Identify Your Position and Hear God’s Word

Which of our three friends do you identify with: Hostile, Helpless, or Hopeful?

It’s important to answer this question accurately, because you can’t take the next step forward in your spiritual life until you know where you are.

God’s Word to Hostile

If you are Hostile, God says, “I love you.” As Paul wrote, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

God poured out His love toward us while we were still hostile toward Him. He has loved you through all your struggling, resisting, and fighting against Him. He loves you still, even in your hostility.

“Jesus Christ came into the world and went to the cross so that those who were once God’s enemies could become His friends.”

God offers an amnesty to those who are hostile. He invites you to lay down your arms and offers you the opportunity to repent. Repentance is giving up your resistance to God. Jesus Christ came into the world and went to the cross so that those who were once God’s enemies could become His friends.

God’s Word to Helpless

God’s word to Helpless is quite different. He already wants to do what is right. His problem is that he doesn’t have the power.

When Helpless cries out in despair, “Who will rescue me from this body of death?” God’s answer is “Jesus Christ” (Romans 7:25).

The Christian life is about the power of God entering your soul to break the power that has been ruling over you. Christ will deliver you.

Come to Christ in faith. Tell Him that you cannot live this life on your own. Tell Him that you need the power of His Holy Spirit so that you will have the ability as well as the desire to live a new life. Ask and you will receive.

Seek and you will find. God will give you a new name; you will no longer be Helpless; you will be Hopeful.

God’s Word to Hopeful

God tells all who are Hopeful to “put to death the mis- deeds of the body” by the power of the Spirit (Romans 8:13). “Start an intentional battle against sin that remains in you, Hopeful. Learn to fight, and don’t ever say that you are Helpless,” God is saying. “The Spirit of God is within you. Christ has put you in a position to fight and win.”

Are you making the proper application of overwhelming force? Can you identify specific sins on which you are launching an intentional assault at this point in your life? Are you praying about them? Have you formed a strategy for change, knowing that the power of the Spirit has been given to you to make this possible?

Hopeful, the Spirit of God is within you. Fight!

Remember that the enemy will try to confuse you about your position. He loves to tell every Hopeful that he or she is really Helpless. Many of his greatest successes come from that kind of propaganda. So identify your position, and then follow God’s instructions.

If you are Hostile, “Repent!” God’s love reaches out to you.

If you are Helpless, “Come!” Christ will deliver you.

If you are Hopeful, “Fight!” The Holy Spirit is within you.

For Further Reading:

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