How Can God Forgive Me?

Mike Kellogg
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We know that it’s hard to believe when negative thoughts threaten to overwhelm you. But the truth is that God and His mediator Jesus Christ tell you that He will remember your sins no more (Isa. 43:25). God will no longer bring up your sins to indict you. He will not torment you with guilt and shame over your past sins. They have been forgiven by Christ, who bore each of those sins on His cross (1 Peter 2:24).

God’s promise of forgiveness is truth, and the litany of shame in your mind is not. None of us feels worthy of His forgiveness, and we are not. We are not forgiven because we deserve it! But God, because of Christ, has forgiven you. Look through a concordance at all the references to forgiveness and realize that they are all talking about you. What a joy! Seize the truth. Let it inspire you. Memorize these verses and make them yours.

For Further Reading:

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by Today in the Word

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