What Does the Book of Ezra Contribute to the Bible?

J. Brian Tucker
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Ezra contributes to the biblical narrative in four ways. (1) It provides the narrative description of the return of the Judeans from the Babylonian captivity and thus continues the story that began in 1 and 2 Chronicles. (2) It explains the presence of the Judeans in Israel, and the religious and political events that took place for their resettlement in the promised land and the rebuilding of the temple. (3) It provides the historical context for the prophetic ministries of Haggai and Zechariah; without Ezra their prophetic oracles would lack significant context. (4) It reveals the origins of early Judaism and the contours of Jewish identity that are central to the later biblical-theological context.

Ezra is a historical narrative or chronicle that presents a theological interpretation of the events it narrates. This does not mean that the book is unhistorical; its events parallel quite nicely the inscriptional and archaeological records (e.g., Elephantine papyri, ANET3, 491-92; Cyrus Cylinder, ANET3, 315-16). It does mean that it provides its audience with a theological interpretation of salvation history. It includes sources from administrative documents, letters, lists, and genealogies; however, it lacks the prophetic discourse evident in Haggai and Zechariah, two works that describe similar postexilic circumstances.

For Further Reading:

The Moody Bible Commentary

by Michael A. Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham

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