What Is the Purpose of the Gospel of Mark?

Louis Barbieri
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The occasion prompting the writing of this gospel is not known. The compulsion of the Holy Spirit working in Mark’s life is paramount. But after Peter’s death there was a desire within the church at Rome to have his great teachings written down. Mark was the natural choice to do the job. Peter had spent time preparing him for the task (cf. 2Pt 1:13-15).

Several outstanding characteristics are apparent in Mark. First, the second gospel is the gospel of action. Events in this gospel move rapidly. About two of every three verses begin with the word “and,” a device for action. This is further seen in a key word in the gospel: “straightway” or “immediately.”

Second, Mark pictures Jesus as the Servant of the Lord, the reason such a stress was placed on immediacy of action. When considering a servant, one is primarily interested in his service. Jesus’ servitude is emphasized in the key verse in Mark: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (10:45).

Third, this gospel emphasizes Jesus’ miracles. This reflects the servant character of the Lord, for as a servant His miracles are prominent. However, only two miracles are unique to the second gospel: the healing of the deaf and dumb man (7:31-37) and the healing of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-26).

Fourth, Mark emphasized common, familiar aspects of life. He gave attention to such ordinary features as boating and fishing, animals, clothing, housing, coins, and divisions of time.

Fifth, Mark is the gospel of vivid detail. Special attention is given to such particulars as the looks and gestures of the Lord (3:5; 10:16). In the story of the feeding of the five thousand men, only Mark’s account gives the vivid detail of “green” grass (6:39).

For Further Reading:

The Moody Bible Commentary

by Michael A. Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham

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