Why Did God Create Us if He Knew We Would Sin?

Don Cole
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Many Bible students believe the answer follows three lines: First, God is love. Second, He seems to have wanted a bigger or better object of His love than angels. Third, He saw past Adam’s sin and ruin to a new heaven and earth populated by redeemed people. The world to come would more than compensate for the sorrows of the first earth and its inhabitants.

“For God so loved the world,” John 3:16 says, “that he gave his one and only Son.” For reasons we do not fully fathom, God loved the work of His hands. Maybe that is why He created: He loved the world even before His act of creation.

“God created us as an expression of His love and to receive our praise.”

Isaiah 43:7 gives an additional hint: “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory.” And in Isaiah 43:21 God says that He created His people for Himself, for a specific purpose: “that they may proclaim my praise.”

It seems that God created us as an expression of His love and to receive our praise. Despite our sin, He has made a way for us to spend eternity with Him when the sin and sorrow of the past will be forgotten.

For Further Reading:

Do Angels Really Have Wings?

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